March 2015 JOCA Event

Spring is around the corner and the weather is getting better. It is time to get the cars out and take them for a spin. March’s drive will be a short but fun drive to the thriving metropolis of Winchester Texas. Winchester is a small town between Smithville and La Grange.
Winchester is best known for its down home steakhouse called Murphy’s Steakhouse. It's a great place to get together and have a good steak. We will have a quick general meeting at the restaurant to give everyone an update as to upcoming events. After lunch if you have room I would recommend going to the old time ice cream parlor on the corner for some ice cream.
I would like to invite everyone interested in our club to come out and join us at Murphy’s on Saturday the 21st of March. We will be there around noon for lunch.
We will meet at the Walnut Creek Water Treatment Plant on FM969 at 10 AM and leave there at 1030 AM to drive to Murphy’s.